Posté le: Lun Déc 17, 2007 12:27 am
Sujet du message: Yue fei ... deck à 7 cartes et sans conditions !
Vous vous souvenez du deck à 7 cartes avec Finn ?
Et ben voilà, dans le même esprit, un deck avec Yue Fei et qui, surtout ne nécessite rien (si ce n'est survivre) pour se mettre en place.
Yueh Fei (Water)
-- -- --
-- -- +1
-- /\ --
+1 +0 --
Chinese * Warrior * Male
8 Life
1 Speed
3 Experience
1 Damage
Han dong shan feng: You gain +1 speed for each of your face-up support cards.
(5) Shield Wall
Norse * Armor *Ability
XXX - Reveal: After the next time you make a defense roll, if the roll is less than the attacker's life, you mar re-roll the roll.
XXX - Action: Put a shield from your discard pile into play. You may ignore the hand requirements for that card for this game. This ability cannot affect a card more than once each match.
(5) Mechnik
Russian * Special * Title
Oruzhenosetz - Action: Discard this card to give your next attack roll +2 or to put a weapon card from your discard pile in this card's place.
(4) Balteus
Roman • Armor • Item
Seasoned Combatant: When you make a defense roll or an attack roll for a basic or sword attack, the roll gains +1.
Display of Wealth: You may have two armor cards in play.
(7) Ye Dirty Swabs!
Irish ● Pirate ● Special ● Quest
Misneach: At the start of each of your turns, if you have less life than each opponent, you gain +1 speed and your attack rolls gain +1 that turn.
Calmacht: You may use another special card.
dans votre pile de défausse il vous faut :
(7) Klironomimena Opla (2)
-- -- --
-- +2 +2
-- /\ --
-- -- --
Greek * Weapon * Sword * Shield (2 Hands)
Teleti tis Analipsis: Your defense rolls gain +1.
(3) Épée Celtique (1)
French * Weapon * Sword (1 Hand)
-- -- --
-1 +1 +0
+1 /\ +0
-- -- --
Ravage: Your attack rolls with swords gain +1. You may use another sword. If you hit with two sword attacks in a single turn, gain +1 speed for that turn.
(3) Kawanakajima (Earth)
Japanese * Inspiration * Location
Ittei no Shouri: If you did not win initiative for the current round, your attack rolls gain +2.
Tatakai ni Fukki: Once each match, after one of your other cards is discarded, you may put this card into play from your discard pile.
(2) Sublician Bridge
Roman • Special • Location • Item
Cling to Faith: Before you make a roll, you may discard this card. If you do, the roll gains +2.
Rebuild: Once each match, at the end of any round, if you revealed an inspiration card or missed with an attack that round, put this card into play from your discard pile.
survivre au 3e round doit être jouissif à un point !
