Posté le: Dim Sep 09, 2007 11:19 am
Sujet du message: Mulan, tu vas en c**** !
-- -- --
+0 -- --
-- /\ +1
+0 -- --
Chinese * Warrior * Female/Male
7 Life
3 Speed
4 Experience
1 Damage
Jing tong qiang: While you have a polearm, your attack rolls gain +1.
Su Di: At the start of the game, if there is an opposing Mongol warrior, gain 2 life and +6 experience.
(0) Dorata Me Mproutzini Ehmi (2)
+1 -- +1
+0 -- +0
-- /\ --
-- -- --
Trojan * Weapon * Polearm (2 Hands)
Ekdikisi: Once each round, after you hit an opponent with this weapon, name an ability on one of the defender's cards. That ability has no effect until the start of your next turn.
(2) Rocky Mountain Fur Company (Earth)
American Frontiersman * Inspiration * Item
Forage: At the start of each round, if you did not win initiative, you may make an attack, if possible. If you do, your defense rolls get -1 that round.
(4) Formacion de Piqueros
Spanish * Special * Ability
Piquero: Your attack rolls with polearms gain +2.
Trabajo en Equipo - Reveal: You may choose another warrior. That warrior's attacks with polearms deal +1 damage.
(2) Boonesborough
American Frontiersman * Armor * Location
Sharpened Pikes: When you attack with a polearm, you may re-roll one die of the attack or defense roll.
Secluded: After an opponent moves into a space adjacent to you, your next defense roll gains +2.
Voilà !
(Evitez de me dire de remplacer Mulan par Daniel ... le but est de jouer la chinoise

Sinon, j'hésite sur l'ordre entre les 2 dernières cartes
votre avis ?